We, at Micu Bogdan Foundation, work to reintegrate human trafficking victims back into society. Our aim is to improve their quality of life and offer a full range of social support services. We are active in organising and promoting preventive awareness actions via education by doing events in schools and institutions and other public venues.
It all started in 2014, when a group of enthusiastic volunteers believed that something needs to be done with against human trafficking in Romania. The founder Micu Bogdan, a international entrepreneur in renewable energy, committed funds and energy to establish local support teams and shelters for victims of human trafficking.
We hire full time social workers as well as working in close relationship with national state authorities. Micu Bogdan Foundation has beed a trustful partner for ANITP(National Agency Against Human Trafficking),Territorial Education District(ISJ), Child Protection Regional Agency(DGASPC), Organised Crime Combat Brigade(BCCO),International Organisation for Migration (IOM) as well as multiple local and international NGOs.
One of our main goals is creating a real and alive relationship between the institutions that we are working with starting from the basics sessions of training.
The Awareness and Prevention Sessions for 2017 will be focused as always on the idea that spreading the information about Human Trafficking as a phenomenon and how to avoid different types of dangerous situations will always make a difference.
Our team has the aim to provide assistance and protective measures during crisis (for 1-3 or 4 weeks) .
Our foundation has developed a near relationship with ADPARE and together we felt like our mission should be that of promoting Human Rights through developing integrative long term assistance programmes for beneficiaries who are not only victims of domestic and international trafficking in human beings (including all forms of exploitation), but also the victims’ families that are considered as indirect beneficiaries of the programmes.
The Centre is the main place where several activities take place with the purpose of developing a real involvement of the beneficiaries in designing their own social reintegration intervention.
The project takes place for 22 months through the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program for reducing the economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union.
The total amount of the project is CHF 550,000.00 with a CHF 499,608.83 contribution representing 90.84% of the total amount and a co-financing from the IOM and implementing partners of CHF 50,391.17, representing 9.16% of the total budget.
The project implementation partners are:
- The Association for the Development of Alternative Practices for Reintegration and Education (ADPARE), Bucharest;
- Micu Bogdan Foundation (FMB), Brasov;
- People to People Foundation (P2P), Oradea.
The main objective of the project is to:
· Strengthen the assistance and protection of Romanian citizens who are victims of domestic and international human trafficking, in line with internal standards
Our reintegration programmes actively involve the beneficiaries in designing their own social reintegration intervention.
They benefited from psychological, juridic, social, medical and educational as well as financial support.
The main idea we tried to implement with our prevention and awareness sessions in schools in the reality and the closeness of the phenomenon of Human Trafficking in Romania focusing on two main direction:
1.Understanding the complex definition of Human Trafficking and all the types of exploitation involved.
2. Understanding the ways in which they can avoid dangerous situations and whom to ask for help in case they end up needing help or how to help others in need.
We developed a fundraising activity to try and make Christmas a happier event in our beneficiaries' s life.
Exchange of experience between different types of NGOs
Exchange of Experience between Coopertiva Proxima (IT) Adpare( Ro) and Micu Bogdan Foundation (Ro)
Exchange of Experience between Swiss police, Romania Police and several NGOs.
International Conference: Creative methods of prevention against Human Trafficking
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